Our Work

A program for Khmer girls.  For more info, contact: Savang Chhorm | schhorm [at] freedom-inc.org

50 Plus and Fabulous
A program for Black elders. For more info, contact: Jessica Williams | jwilliams [at] freedom-inc.org

Black Girls Matter
Anti-violence program that is culturally specific for Black girls.  For more info, contact:  Bianca Gomez | bgomez [at] freedom-inc.org

Books and Breakfast
A weekly program for youth of color designed to promote literacy, learning and life skills.  For more info, contact:  Bianca Gomez | bgomez [at] freedom-inc.org or Zon Moua | zmoua [at] freedom-inc.org

Debra’s Love
Debra’s Love is a set of Black domestic violence programs addressing gender-based violence, focusing on Black seniors, women, and queer folks who are victims/survivors of gender-based violence.  For more info, contact: Jessica Williams | jwilliams [at] freedom-inc.org

Khmer Angkor Dance Group
A dance group for Cambodian youth. For more info, contact: Savang Chhorm | schhorm [at] freedom-inc.org

Khmer 1.5 Gender Justice
Program for Cambodian women.  For more info, contact: Savang Chhorm | schhorm [at] freedom-inc.org

Khmer Women's Healing Circle
Anti-violence program that is culturally specific for Cambodian women elders.  For more info, contact:  Savang Chhorm | schhorm [at] freedom-inc.org

Lotus Youth Group
This program for Cambodian youth helps educate and build healthy relationships with families and communities through dance and cultural arts.  For more info, contact: Savang Chhorm | schhorm[at]freedom-inc.org

Nkauj Hmoob 
This support group is a South East Asian girls/teens organizing program and was founded in 2004 by Chai Moua. Our mission is to build strong female leaders that can create social change, at home, in the community and in their own lives. Nkauj Hmoob's programs include political education, organizations skills, LGBTQ issues, domestic violence, outreach, and leadership development.  For more info, contact: Zon Moua | zmoua [at] freedom-inc.org

Viv Ncaus Dance Troop
Viv Ncaus Dance Troupe was founded in 2007 by the dancers of Ntsais Plia in Madison, WI. Our mission is to end gender based violence by building sisterhood that will challenge patriarchy, homophobia, racism, and classism through the use of Hmong arts. We believe that is it a necessity for us to document our stories and the stories of all the women who have come before us, and we do so by creating Hmong dances. For more info, contact: Zon Moua | zmoua [at] freedom-inc.org

Wisdom Project
Anti-violence program that is culturally specific for Hmong women elders.  For more info, contact Maiv Nyiaj Moua | mmoua [at] freedom-inc.org